
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Grilled Fish with Spicy Herbs and Indonesian Sweet Soya Sauce


1.5 kg Ikan Kuwe/Baronang/Kakap (Snapper/Spanish Mackerel or as ur favourite)
Di bumbui dahulu dengan/Marinate first with:
Kecap Asin/Light Soya Sauce
Air Jeruk Nipis/Lime Juice
Kaldu Ayam Bubuk/Chicken Powder
Merica Putih/White Pepper
Arak Cina/Chinese Wine/Angciu
Bumbu untuk ikan bakar (dioles sewaktu di bakar)/Sauce for basting the fish:
(semua bumbu haluskan di blender lalu di tumis matang dengan margarine secukupnya/blender all ingredients & saute with margarine/butter)
200 gr Bawang Putih/Garlic
100 gr Bawang Merah/Shallots
50 gr Jahe/Ginger
50 gr Serai/Lemongrass
30 gr Kunyit/Turmeric
Kalau suka pedas bisa tambahkan 50 gr cabe rawit merah/if U like it spicy can add 50 gr of small chilli padi
Merica Putih/White Pepper
Kaldu Ayam Bubuk/Chicken Powder
Gula sedikit/Little Sugar
Saus Kecap Manis/Sweet Soya Sauce (untuk ikan bakar sebelum di angkat dari api/brush before cooked):
About 200 ml Sweet Soya Sauce
1/2 Jeruk Nipis/Lime Juice
Kalau suka pedas, uleg cabai rawit/if u like spicy crush small chilli padi
To Serve,stir well (Sweet Soya Sauce): (Saus untuk di hidangkan)
Kecap Manis secukupnya/Sweet Soya Sauce
Jeruk Limau/Kaffir Lime Juice
Bawang Merah iris/Shallots, slices
Cabai Rawit, iris/Small Chilli Padi, slice
Panaskan arang sebelum membakar. Ikan dapat di potong jadi 2 dan diberi keratan supaya cepat matang.
Oleskan sauce diatasnya lalu bakar hingga matang di kedua sisi. Bumbu dapat dioleskan berkali kali supaya hasilnya lebih enak dan bumbu meresap rata.
Untuk terakhir sebelum di hidangkan dapat diberi olesan saus kecap manis. Oleskan di kedua sisi, bakar sebentar supaya tidak hangus dan hidangkan segera dengan lalapan, sambal terasi dan saus kecap manis.

Salad Jelly Buah/Jelly Fruit Salad

Kali ini resepnya pake bahasa indonesia dan inggris sebagai terjemahannya berhubung sesuai permintaan dari Papa Dio yah, tinggal di kalikan saja bila untuk pesta dengan orang 200 lebih ...::)) mungkin ini resep bisa untuk 10 orang.
Untuk buah dan sayurannya dapat diganti bila tidak suka, hanya sausnya saya buat kurang lebih untuk 10 orang.


1 pak Jelly Instant yang dijual di pasaran dan buat sesuai petunjuk kemasan beli dan ditambahkan pewarna lagi sehingga warna lebih keluar waktu di campur dengan buah2an yang lainnya dan setelah dingin dipotong kotak agak besar / 1 pack Instant Jelly and make as a methode in the packing and cut square (big chunks)
About 200 gr Mayonaise (bisa cari mayonaise yang ada rasa kejunya untuk variasi)/Find Cheese Mayonaise for flavour
100 gr Susu Kental Manis Putih/Sweet Condensed Milk
Sedikit Garam/A pinch of salt
1/2 sdt Merica Hitam Bubuk Kasar/Freshly Ground Black Pepper
100 gr Keju Cheddar parut kasar/Grated Cheddar Cheese
1/2 tsp Oregano Bubuk/Dried Oregano
1 Bawang Bombay cincang halus/Onion, finelly chopped

Bahan Lainnya/Other Ingredients:
2 Kentang Besar, kukus, kupas & potong dadu besar/Big Potatoes, steam, peel and cut chunks
2 Apel Gala, cuci dan potong kotak dengan kulitnya/Gala Apple (or as U like), wash and cut chunks with the skin
2 Wortel Import, kupas, potong dadu, rebus & saring/Carrot, peel, cut chunks, boil & strain 
200 gr Strawberry, belah 2/cut halved
2 Jeruk Sunkist, belah juringnya/Orange, cut the membrane lengthwise or if easier use canned Mandarin Orange
2 Buah Naga, kupas & potong dadu/Dragon Fruit, peel & cut square

Campur semua buah dan jelly yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya di mangkok besar lalu tuangkan semua bahan saus yang sudah diaduk rata dan campurkan semua di bahan buah dan jelly. Aduk rata.
Taruh di lemari es sebelum penyajian paling kurang 2 jam sebelum penyajian supaya dingin dan segar.
Sebelum di hidangkan dapat ditaburi dengan keju parut lagi supaya lebih enak.
Hias sesuai selera.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Wonton Soup with Enoki Mushrooms (Soup Pangsit dengan Jamur Enoki)

Wonton Meat:
300 gr Chicken Minced Meat/Daging Ayam Giling
200 gr Prawn, minced/Udang, cincang
30 gr chopped Spring Onion/Daun Bawang cincang
10 gr Garlic puree/Bawang Putih Halus (diuleg aja..!)
1 tsp Chicken Powder/Kaldu Ayam Bubuk
Little White Pepper/Merica Putih Bubuk
Little Chinese Wine/Angciu
Little Sesame Seed Oil
1 egg white
little corn flour to bind the meat about 2 tbsp/kira kira 2 sdm maizena
about 1 tsp sagoo flour/sedikit tepung sagu
Prepare enough Wonton Skin/Kulit Pangsit about 30 pieces or more depend how big U scoop the meat into the skin..!!
The Stock:
About 50 gr chopped Garlic/Bawang Putih cincang halus
40 gr Ginger, just crush/Jahe, geprak
50 gr Spring Onion, slice/Daun Bawang, iris serong
200 gr Chicken Bones/Tulang Ayam
200 gr Prawns/Udang
About 4 litre of water/Air
Little White Pepper/Merica Putih
About 2 tbsps of Chicken Powder/Ikan Bilis Powder (Kaldu Ayam Bubuk/Anchovy Powder)
About 2 tbsp Chinese Cooking Wine/Angciu/Arak Cina
Little Light Soya Sauce/Kecap Asin Cair (because we dont want the colour to dark in the stock)
Little Sesame Seed Oil/Minyak Wijen sedikit
Other Ingredients:
300 gr Bok Choy/Chinese Greens/Sawi Daging, wash and cut
2 packs Enoki Mushrooms, trim the end only & wash/Jamur Enoki, potong ujungnya saja dan cuci
First make the wonton with bind all of the ingredients together and set aside.
If U dont know how to flip the wonton U can ask me more..::))
Boil enough water and add little bit salt and oil just like making spaghetti water..!! then pour in the wonton and wait until cook about 2 minutes and take out, put in the bowl separately first before serving to prevent breaking of the skin. U can use a strainer to take out the wonton for easier way.

For the stock:
Saute the ginger first then the garlic until golden brown with little oil, add in the spring onion then pour in the water, add the chicken bones and boil until release the chicken flavour with using medium fire.
After cook well about 20 - 30 minutes, strain well so U got a clear chicken stock then start add in the chicken powder, white pepper, salt, soya sauce, angciu and sesame seed oil.
Then reheat the bok choy first in the stock about 3 minutes and strain, put in the bowl together with the wonton first. And do it separately to with the enoki mushrooms just reheat 2 minutes only in the stock and strain to then put in the bowl.
Lastly U pour the stock over the wonton, bok choy and enoki...Ready to serve hot..and enjoy...::))

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Prawn In Chilli & Paprika Sweet Sauce

500 gr Prawns/Udang , wash
Oil to saute
40 gr Garlic/Bawang Putih, thinly slice
30 gr Spring Onion/Daun Bawang, slice
3 tbsp Chilli Paste/Cabe Merah Giling
1 tbsp Tomato Paste/Pasta Tomat
2 tbsp Tomato Ketchup/Saus Tomat
2 tbsp Chilli Oil/Minyak Cabai
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
little water
little salt, sugar, pepper
1 tsp Sesame Seed Oil
2 tbsp Chinese Wine/Xiaoxing Angciu
Little bit dissolved Corn Flour
200 gr mix Red, Green & Yellow Paprika for colour, cut stripes
Saute garlic and spring onion until fragrant and add in chilli paste, prawns, little water so the sauce can be more later, stir until cooked then add in tomato paste, tomato ketchup, chilli oil, oyster sauce, little salt, sugar and pepper then thickened a bit with dissolved corn flour (not too thick please..!!)
When almost finnish add in all the paprika and chinese wine at last and use high flame if possible to catch the fire...can use cognac for more great flavour.
Serve while it's hot and can be garnish with coriander leaves or sping onion slices.
Do it fast with high flame if possible...::))

Sweet Corn, Tofu & Chicken Ham Soup

50 gr butter/mentega
30 gr canola oil/minyak canola
1 big onion/bawang bombay, chopped
50 gr chinese spring onion/daun bawang kecil, slices
300 gr chicken bones/tulang ayam
about 4 liter water

1 can creamy sweet corn (like Del Monte)
150 gr shredded fresh sweet corn/jagung manis segar
200 gr japanese tofu/tahu sutra jepang, cut cubes/square
200 gr chicken ham/daging asap ayam, iris tipis
200 gr half boiled cubed carrot (small size)/wortel dipotong kotak kecil, rebus sebentar & tiriskan
Diluted mix maizena & sagoo flour to thickened the soup
White Pepper/merica
Little bit sugar/gula sedikit
Chicken Powder/kaldu ayam bubuk
Maggie Seasoning Sauce
2 eggs/telur, beaten well

Saute the onion and spring onion into butter and oil until fragrant, add in the water and chicken bones, use small fire and cooked until slowly boil to release the chicken flavours then strain well.
Pour back into the soup pot and boil again then add in the canned sweet corn, fresh corn, all the seasonings and carrot, after cooked well, add in the chicken ham, then thickened with mixture of maizena and sagoo. Let it boil first with continue stirring.
Then add in the beaten eggs with swirl it until form like a crab but dont stir too over or it will turn like porridge.
Before finnish, add in the tofu and stir just to make it well only, U dont want break the tofu if it's over stirring.
Serve while it's hot with chinese black vinegar and chopped small chillies with soya sauce if U like it hot.

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Ayam Masak Cabe Ijo (Chicken Cooked In Green Chilli Sauce, Menado Style)


2 Local Free Range Chicken/Ayam Kampung, cut into small pieces
40 gram Galangal./Lengkuas, crushed
40 gram Lemon Grass/Serai, crushed
30 gram Kaffir Lime Leaves/Daun Jeruk Purut, tear to release it's fragrant
40 gram Ginger/Jahe, crushed
40 gram Spring Onion/Daun Bawang, slices
2 Red Tomatoes, cut wedges/10 Cherries Tomatoes, cut half
30 gram Basil Leaves/Kemangi, tear the leaves
2 Turmeric Leaves/Daun Kunyit
Chicken Powder to taste
Pound Coarsely the ingredients:
80 gram Shallots/Bawang Merah
30 gram Garlic/Bawang Putih
40 gram Small Green Chillies
50 gram Big Green Chillies
Saute the pounded ingredients together with galangal. lemon grass, lime leaves, ginger and turmeric leaves until fragrant well. Then add in the chicken and little water. Add in the salt and chicken powder to taste.
Cook until the chicken really tender and cooked well then lastly add in the spring onions, red tomatoes and basil leaves, stir well and serve hot with plain steamed rice.

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