
Rabu, 01 September 2010

Indonesian Fish Head Curry (Gulai Kepala Ikan Special, my style)


2 (about 1 Kg) Red Snapper Fish Head (medium)/Kepala Ikan Kakap (Sedang) cut into half (ask ur fish monger to do this if u can't manage urself please)
150 gr ladies finger/okra, cut lengthwise
100 gr red tomatoes/tomat merah (not over ripe), cut quarter
50 gr big green chillies/cabai hijau besar atau keriting bila suka pedas, cut lengthwise
50 gr belimbing wuluh (small green star fruit, omit this if not problem !!)
About 50 gr assam juice (in bottle), if dried assam, soak in water and strain, use the juice only without the pits (if not around in ur country just use lime juice instead, about 2 pieces)
250 gr coconut milk in pack add 750 ml water/ 400 ml fresh thick coconut milk (santan kental) + 600 ml fresh thin coconut milk (santan cair)

Grind into a fine paste (with mortar & pestle better if u have a strong hands...::)) but u can use blender, if u don't want exercise urself...!! :
80 gr red shallots/bawang merah
40 gr spring onion (the white part only)/daun bawang (yang putih saja...wangi)
40 gr garlic/bawang putih
30 gr galangal/lengkuas
30 gr lemongrass/serai
50 gr big red chillies, seeded/cabai merah besar (kalau ada cabai giling lebih bagus/use padang chilli paste better...!!)
30 gr candlenuts/kemiri
30 gr ginger/jahe

Other Ingredient:
30 ml vegetable oil/salad oil
1 tbsp ghee/minyak samin
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp turmeric powder/kunyit bubuk (warna lebih cerah daripada segar)
1/4 tsp cumin powder/jintan
2 tsp coriander powder/ketumbar bubuk
1 tsp curry powder/bubuk kari padang (seperti Tjik Oneh)
2 bayleaves/daun salam
1 turmeric leaf/daun kunyit
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken powder to change the msg, some eateries still use this to enhance the cooking flavours

Reheat the oil with ghee and saute the grind ingredient & all other ingredients until fragrant but not over cooked or it will burnt the powder ingredient.
Add the thin coconut milk first or if u use packet just pour all with water in it.
Let simmer then add the fish head together with thick coconut, okra, assam juice & green chillies. Cook well the fish head.
Before it's done lastly add the tomatoes & belimbing wuluh, so it won't over cook, stir a minute only and ready to serve.

The tips: 
It's better to keep the curry a few hours before u eat so the ingredient will immerse into the fish flesh and the taste will be much flavourful. U no need to eat it very hot for this, coz use ur fingers with plain rice to feel the real taste of the fish head....yyuuummmmm....:::)))

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